Just before the construction holiday, construction company Vanhout from Geel acquired 60% shares in the Energieconcepten company from Arendonk.
Energieconcepten is a company specialised in renewable energy systems (heat pumps, solar panels, thermal solar collectors and biomass), completed with classic techniques. The company currently mainly focuses on the private market, but under the umbrella of Vanhout it aims to grow further in the professional market.
Jef Lembrechts, CEO of Vanhout: “With this share, the Vanhout group is developing an integral construction service and is widening important knowledge and competencies in sustainable techniques.”
Tom Teunkens, managing director of Energieconcepten: “With the integration in the Vanhout group we can fall back on a professional organisation with an extensive network in the construction sector. In synergy with the activities of Vanhout we aim for further growth of Energieconcepten.”
Energieconcepten currently realises a turnover of approx. €4 million and employs 16 members of staff. To reinforce its dynamic team Energieconcepten is looking for a technical commercial adviser, HVAC project managers, refrigeration technicians and central heating installers.
Websites: Energieconcepten: www.energieconcepten.be Vanhout: www.vanhout.be
Contact Jef Lembrechts 0495 583 617 Tom Teunkens 0474 025 686